Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Fun

I really cannot believe it's already November! Halloween definitely snuck up on me this year. This year I attended two different "Fall Festival" type of things. I am going to share with you a few pictures of the costumes I wore to both events. Comment below, on instagram, or twitter with what you dressed up as, I love hearing about peoples costumes!

You Get the Best of Both Worlds
Last weekend, Maddy and I went to the Fall Festival at her church dressed as Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana. As much as I hate to admit it, we didn't purchase anything for these costumes. We pulled out the printed jeans and monstrosity that is the eighth grade dance dress and like that we were back in 2007 getting the best of both worlds.
The Miley to my Hannah.


"You're a trueeeeee friend"

Wild Animals
On Halloween night, I attended another Fall Festival at my church. There were games, candy, and fun. Each ministry set up a booth to distribute candy from. The high school ministry was animal themed. We had lots of blow up animals, fake plants, and of course, candy. I dressed up as a pig because who doesn't love pink, little pigs. I simply made my costume out of two pieces of felt and elastic. It was super easy and I think it turned out cute.

Pigs and cheetahs are friends right?

Piggy back rides with my favorite cheetah girl.
Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! Follow more of my adventures on instagram @MonogrammedMadison and twitter @MonogramMadison. Comment or send me pictures of your Halloween costumes.