Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Making Time for God

For months I have been thinking about doing a post sharing my tips for making time for God. Then while watching the Passion live streaming online event a few weeks ago, it hit me that we shouldn't have to make time- rather want to spend time with God.

The message I watched online from Passion 2015 was centered on fighting for focus in our relationship with Christ. The speaker, Francis Chan, said that our multitasking is keeping us from whole-hearted worship. I related with this statement because often times my time spent with God is interfered with a notification on my phone or me thinking about all the other things I need to get done.

 Francis Chan then referenced 1 Peter 4:7 which says, “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” Wow that verse is like a punch in the gut. I will be completely honest with you, I do not pray nearly as much as I should. As difficult as it is, we need to keep our minds decluttered and have a clear mind.

Lastly, he urged us of how important prayer is. The absence of prayer keeps us from fully knowing God. I know how difficult it is to continually pray. I notice that I pray the most when I’m struggling the most. I should be praying both during the trials and victories.

He finished the message by reminding us that there is a greater reality and that all we see is temporal- there is much more. I’ve heard this a million times (and do believe it), but sometimes let the shiny things of this world distract me.

In the upcoming days and weeks, I am going to fight for focus. Spending time with God is not just a chore or something I need to do, but a gift and something I want to do. The way I view prayer has changed. I hope that this change in perspective can help me grow closer to God.
I pray that we can all take the time to spend with God because it’s a privilege that we over look every day. Like how cool is it that we can have (and God wants us to) have a personal relationship with him?!

Again, this post was just my notes from the message I watched from Passion 2015 online. Here is a link to the message by Francis Chan I was watching (link). It’s about 45 minutes but really encouraging. If you watch it, let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check me out on Instagram @MonogrammedMadison.

Monday, January 12, 2015

new semester, new habits

Back to school and back to real life. Yesterday night I spent the night nostalgically looking through pictures and reminiscing the memories of winter break. My month long break consisted of lots of laughs, fun afternoons with friends, family time, and lots of delicious food.
As sad as it is to say good bye to sleeping in, I am excited for the semester to start. This is my final semester of high school which means graduation is just around the corner!
Today I wanted to share a few of my new semester resolutions.

{being present}
Of course attendance is one of the most important keys to success in school, but for this resolution I don’t just mean attend class. This semester I’m going to strive to be present while in class which means no phone, no non-school related activity on my laptop, and no distractions.

{ask questions}
I typically am that student who rushes out of class as soon as class is dismissed. This semester I want to be more involved in my class by asking questions and visiting my professors during their office hours.

{study earlier}
I don’t know if it’s just me but I always feel like tests creep up on me. I am understanding the material and then bam the teacher announces a test next class and I have six chapters worth of material to review. This semester I am going to tweak my study habits and begin studying earlier for tests.

{stay active}
Both physically and academically. Although it can be difficult, this semester I am making staying active and going to the gym regularly a priority. Working out is such a stress reliever and is obviously good for your health. I also want to stay academically active by attending tutoring and workshop to help me succeed in my classes.
{finish strong}
Like I said, graduation is just a few months away and I have a feeling senoritis will be tempting me lots this semester. I am going to stay focused and try to finish strong.

Well, those are my new semester resolutions. I would love for you to comment below your resolutions for this semester. Best of luck to everyone starting back classes this week!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Madison at the Market

With nice weather, a orning spent at the Saturday morning market downtown only seemed appropriate. My friends Maddy and Celene joined me as we strolled by over 200 vendors. The market is home to such diverse fresh produce, prepared foods, and miscellaneous crafty items.
Cold weather means wearing my favorite new sweater
with my go-to plaid scarf and riding boots.
I love buying locally. Not only is it much more fun than shopping at a boring grocery store, the produce is much fresher and often is cheaper. Yesterday I picked up a few of my favorites like a pineapple and a couple of mangos.

Like I said, there are lots of vendors at the market. My favorite thing about the market is all the food you can eat while you are there. From wood fire pizza to fresh empanadas to assorted Greek food to (my favorite) Cuban food, there is too much to choose from. We went early to the market so I wasn’t hungry for lunch yet but couldn’t resist the delicious black beans and rice. I also tried fresh squeezed orange juice and then snacked on some kettle corn. Just now realizing what a weird combination all that is, I wasn’t eating all of that at one time (haha!).
After leaving the market, we walked down by the water and chatted as we hung our feet off of the sea wall (and took lots of pictures). Yesterday was such a care-free and fun day. We ate lots and laughed lots, what's better than that.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Tea with the Happy Prepster

Yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity to meet the face behind the Happy Prepster, Ali. I was beyond excited to finally meet the brilliant and creative mind that created the monthly scripture cards I have been receiving for months.

We met at the much loved Oxford Exchange for afternoon tea. We replaced typical tea-time small talk for conversations about our daily lives, college decisions, our future plans, and even dove into our journeys with Christ.
It was so refreshing to spend time with someone who completely understands what it’s like to juggle a million things. Ali keeps busy with her demanding school schedule, her successful (and adorable) etsy shop, her encouraging monthly scripture cards (that you need to sign up for because they are amazing), her totally relatable blog, and even has time for a social life. Our crazy schedules made finding a time to meet up a tad difficult, but I am so glad it finally worked out.
I couldn’t help but smile from the moment we sat down because I realized, thanks to the little blog I launched over the summer, I was now enjoying tea with someone I probably never would have meet. Someone who shares so much in common with me (including coordinating Lilly phone cases and planners), has a heart focused on God, and is so sweet. This probably sounds a little sappy considering it was only the first time we had met “in real life,” but it was so nice to finally chat in person, not through a keyboard, with Ali. I am excited to see how our friendship transitions from solely blogger friends to being “real life” friends too.

If y’all don’t follow on Ali on Instagram, @thehappyprepster, you definitely need to do that. Also, check out her etsy shop and be sure to sign up for her monthly scripture cards.
An #ootd because I'm loving this "winter" weather in Florida
and this brick road was perfect for a picture.
Thank you for reading this post. I am so grateful for all of my readers/followers, without your support I wouldn’t have the opportunity to reach such a wide audience and meet (virtually and in real life) wonderful people like yourself.


Monday, January 5, 2015

why I blog?

Many of mornings, afternoons, or late nights are spent
with some hot tea and my laptop, but why?

Often times when people find out that I have a blog the first thing they ask is why? I have never really been able to give an answer of much more than “because it’s fun.”
I initially started my blog to be fashion centered, but quickly realized that having a fashion blog means needing someone to take pictures of you and requires a lot of planning. Since launching in July, my blog has morphed into, what I believe is called, a lifestyle blog. I use my blog to share about my adventures, my aspirations, and the lessons I have learned.

Personally, lifestyle blogs have always been my favorite to read. I love reading about how people spend their days, how they view certain topics, and especial love posts about things they have learned. Back before I launched my blog, I was kind of in awe of people who had lifestyle blogs. I thought it must be really cool to live a life that is so exciting that you can write about it day in and day out.
Like I said, my blog was started as a fashion blog. I love clothes and many people compliment me on my style, so I thought that fashion would be my blogging niche. As I continued to blog, I quickly was made aware of just how saturated the blogging world is with young girls and fashion blogs. I also realized that I don’t really have a heart for fashion. While I do love planning outfits and shopping, I don’t necessarily have a passion for fashion.  
Once realizing that fashion blogging wasn’t really for me, I just began to write about the things that make me happy. Some of my favorite (and most popular posts) have been the ones where I just grabbed my laptop, headed to a coffee shop, and wrote about what was on my mind.
I have come to recognize that even though my life at times seems a little mundane compared to some lifestyle bloggers who travel the world and what not, my life is a gift and is filled with amazing experiences and people. That is why I blog. I blog to share how great life is, not just my life but all of our lives. I blog to share the little things I have discovered in my short seventeen years of living. I blog to share my love of God, going to brunch, and spending time with people that make laugh. I hope my blog inspires people to find the pleasure in the ordinary.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

First is the worst, second is the best

First is the worst, second is the best or at least that is how the rhyme goes. For me, second semester is always more difficult. It is hard to get back in the school routine, the weather is nicer, and everyone is anxiously awaiting summer break. Today I wanted to share a few tips to help you start off your second semester on the right foot.

{New School Supplies}
First semester gets all the new spirals, freshly sharpened pencils, and a new box of pens; doesn’t second semester deserve that too? Restocking and replacing school supplies before second semester helps me feel refreshed and prepared for the semester.
{Stay Organized}
During winter break, everything seems to feel a little chaotic. Managing new classes, new textbooks, and new teachers can be a hand full. Keeping an organized planner really helps in making the adjustment back to school. It’s silly to let your grades suffer because you forgot an assignment was due or you lost the homework.
{To Do Lists}
Lately, I have been making a daily checklist in the note section on my phone. I am amazed at how much more productive I have been. This semester I want to make making to do lists a habit. Whether you write your list in your planner, on a sticky note, or type it in your phone, to do lists provide a visual representation of what you need to accomplish which makes actually getting things done a lot easier. Plus, nothing compares to the satisfaction of crossing something off a to do list.

{Set Goals}
Having a goal, other than survive the semester, will give you the motivation to preserve, even when all you want to do is cry and watch hours of Netflix. Also, planning things to look forward to helps me get through the semester. Instead of aching over spring break (which is months away), plan fun things to do a few weeks in advanced to give yourself something to get excited about.

{Don’t Get Discouraged}
One bad test grade isn’t the end of the world. This semester try to look for new ways to improve but do not beat yourself up. When things aren’t going the way you had hoped this semester, take a minute to breathe and then establish a plan to get back on the road that will lead you to your goals.

As sad as I am to say goodbye to winter break, I am excited for all that second semester entails. What are you most looking forward to in second semester? Comment below or Instagram @MonogrammedMadison. I wish y’all the best of luck to everyone this semester!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

{finally} meeting macey

After months of liking each other’s pictures on Instagram and then realizing we live twenty minutes from each other, Macey (@ohmyprep) and I finally met up for brunch at the Oxford Exchange this morning.
While sipping on tea, we discussed our college plans, shared stories, and ranted about “blogger problems.” Then we devoured our pressed French toast with Nutella syrup and caramelized bananas (delish!).
Of course we took pictures of everything, but that’s what bloggers do. I am so excited to have a new friend that understands my need to take pictures of everything and appreciates good lighting as much as me.

Such an accurate picture, thanks for capturing this Macey!
Today, I attempted to not dress like it's summer but in 80 degree weather that's pretty difficult. I was wearing this black and white chevron shift with black knee high socks and my new brown riding boots. I kept the accessories simple with my favorite Lilly Pulitzer leather cross body, gold monogram  necklace, and gold tone aviators.
// Dress: Dillards // Boots: Nine West // Socks: Forever 21 //
Purse: Lilly Pulitzer // Necklace: Etsy // Sunglasses: Nordstroms //
One of my favorite things about blogging is how many people I have (virtually) meet that share so much in common with me. Today’s brunch was the first time I actually met, in real life, someone from my blog. It’s crazy to think that without blogging, Macey and I probably would have never met. Thanks to social media I have gained another sweet, preppy, and God-loving friend.
Macey and I share so much in common, even our cars are
twinning (pink monogram and all).
Macey and I are planning to do many collaborations in the near future. I am so excited to get to know her and grow our blogs together. Be sure to follow her on Instagram, @ohmyprep, and me, @monogrammedmadison.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Ringing in the New Year, Auburn Style

First things first, happy New Year! I cannot believe I am writing my first post of 2015. There are many things I am looking forward to this year like the birth of my already stylish little cousin, graduating high school, and heading off to college. Today wanted to share with y’all how I rang in the New Year, Auburn style.

As many of y’all know, I live in Florida which hosts the Outback Bowl every New Year’s Day. This year the Auburn Tigers (and Wisconsin Badgers) came to visit me. I was beyond exciting when I heard that they would be playing here, because Auburn is one of my top choices of colleges.

There were lots of fun events sponsored throughout the week for the Outback Bowl, but I was unfortunately not able to attend any. I did spend New Year’s Eve evening at the Outback Bowl parade. Maddy and I collected beads, jammed to dozens of high school and the college marching bands, and made lots of Auburn friends.
A little pre-parade selfie.

War Eagle!
Bands and beads.
After ringing in 2015, I spent New Year’s Day cheering on the tigers with my parents. This was my first Auburn game. From the screams of war eagle to the sound of thousands of shakers to the sea of orange and blue, I continued to fall in love with Auburn. The sense of family and pride I felt with complete strangers was mesmerizing. That feeling of community even remained after an unfortunate loss in overtime.

War Eagle, fearless and true.
A sea of orange and blue.
Shakers gonna shake, shake, shake.
Aubie is the best.
A family that yells "war eagle" together,
stays together.

Although I had hoped for a win, Auburn is still a winner in my heart. I couldn’t have ask for a better way to kickoff (see what I did there, haha?) the New Year. Like I said, there is so much to look forward to in 2015. What are you most excited about this year? Also, what kinds of posts would you like to see on my blog this year? Comment below or follow me on Instagram @MonogrammedMadison.
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