Wednesday, June 3, 2015

today is the day

Today is the day. The day I have dreamed about since kindergarten when I asked my mom when I would be able to wear that "square hat and shiny robe." The day that sometimes felt like would never be here. The day that most everything I've ever known changes.

Over the past few months I have taken a break from my blog. I definitely haven't taken a break from life though. The weeks leading up to this day have been filled with excitement, adventure, lots of nostalgia, a few tears, planning, and just plain living.

Dancing the night away at prom.
Aruba rocked (literally) 
Just chilling with my (fl)amigos.

SO blessed to have these pretty ladies in my life.

College orientation was fun!

I couldn't have asked for a better ending to the best year of my life. Senior year has been just that, the best year of my life. My experiences, my struggles, my fears, and my memories of this year have truly shaped me to be who I am today. I have learned so much about myself (and like to pretend I have learned a lot about how the world works).

Everything has a way of working out.
Although some things didn't go exactly as I planned or hoped, everything worked out. This year I learned the importance of keeping the big picture in mind. I let one bad test grade stress me out, and look I'm still going to my dream college and everything is okay.

Cherish all friendships.
This year I have met more new people than ever before. Many of which have become my really close friends, some of which only where part of life for a short time. Either way I have learned a lot about myself as a result of people entering or exiting my life. I have learned to cherish all friendships, not just the ones who have years behind them. New friendships can be awkward or even scary but the reward far out weights the risk.

Go do something (& take pictures).
Don't get me wrong, my senior year had its fair share of Netflix nights but those aren't the nights I remember. I remember the times I went out to brunch with friends or had late night jam seshs or went exploring downtown. I love the quote "we didn't know we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." And don't forget to take pictures because, like the quote says, we are making memories that you'll want to remember.

Conversation is key.
Whether it be with your parents, your best friend, or your significant other, conversation is key. I discovered that life is a lot easier and there are a lot less problems if you just communicate. Also I learned not to be afraid to ask for things you want. The worst someone can say is no.

As I walk across that stage today to receive my diploma, I know this is the ending of one chapter of my life and the start of a new one. The familiar faces that I have been surrounded by since kindergarten will soon be replaced with lots of new faces at college. I couldn't be more excited to start this new chapter but I will never forget the memories, lessons, and experiences I have learned here. So here's to the class of 2015!


  1. ahh you look like you've had such a great few months! I'm actually going to Aruba in August, any suggestions? It looks so beautiful!

  2. Congrats Madison! Can't wait to see what college has for you and your blog.

    xx Maria
