Tuesday, March 24, 2015

get 'er done {my productivity tips}

You could say last night was one of those nights (slash mornings). You know, the ones were you spent hours with your nose in a book, your desk is scattered with a million sheets of paper, your anxiety is at an all time high, and your hours of sleep is at an all time low- the dread “all-nighter”. (And just to clarify, my definition of all-nighter means staying up till like 1am. I am not that pro!)

I have a weird schedule. Class three days a week, work one day a week, managing an online class, while still trying to fit in time for blogging, my quiet time with God, and fun with my friends and family. I am not writing this post to claim I have it all figured out when it  (because I don’t), but I wanted to share some of tips for the stressful times and how I deal with them.

Yesterday on my way home from work, I began to become so anxious about all that I needed to get done. It’s crazy to think but over the weekend I made a countdown to graduation (42 days!!) and wrote a to do list for each day. And I sure do have a lot to do!  Last night, I hunkered down and got yesterday's tasks done and here’s how:

{get focused}
When I am feeling stressed out, I have trouble focusing because I am preoccupied with how overwhelmed I feel. During times of high stress, I like to retreat to the library. Taking out the distraction of noise really helps me get focused and organize my thoughts. Prior to starting an assignment or a study sesh, I like to plan out what I need to do and how I plan on doing it whether it is making flashcards or rewriting notes or reading in the textbook.

{be equipped}
Trust me, this is one of the biggest ways I procrastinate. “Be right back got to get a pencil. Or oops I forgot an eraser. Looks like I need to go get a drink of water. Wait, I need more notecards.” Before sitting down, make sure you have anything and everything you may possibly need to complete the task so you do not have to keep getting up.

{stay focused}
After establishing what I need to get done, I need to stay focused and just do it. Sometimes I come up with a great study plan but never actually follow through with it because I get distracted (oops!). First off, put the phone away- whether its putting it in the other room, turning it off, or throwing it out the window. Next, crank the tunes. Everyone has there own opinions on music while studying. Once I am all set to start actually studying, I personally love some low-volume, instrumental music. My favorite is the deep-focus playlist on Spotify. 

{take productive breaks}
Another thing I am guilty of, studying for fifteen minutes then treating myself to an hour long study break - not such an efficient way to work. Last night on my desk, amongst my review sheet, textbook, flashcards, and planner, I had my bible. Never before have I combined study and my quiet time with God but I will being doing it this way from now on. Diving into God’s words during overwhelming times is crucial but sometimes the hardest. When I am stressed I feel like I don’t have time for God. Last night while on a study break, I read this verse and it sure was relevant. Even when I feel like life is crazy, I should take rest is knowing that God is there and everything will be okay.

Like I said, I may only have 42 days left of high school but those 42 days are going to be kicking my butt. I’m hoping to be able to get focused and stay focused all the way to graduation. Let me know if you found this post helpful and please share your study/productivity tips with me in the comments below or on Insta @MonogrammedMadison.

1 comment:

  1. Only 42 more days! You got this Madison!

    Maria | http://seasaltandsun.blogspot.com/
