Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Spontaneous. This is definitely not a word I would usually consider myself to be too fond of. I am the type of person who appreciates a well planned out day. Today, I learned that spontaneous can be fun. When living in the moment, there are no exceptions so it can be more fun.

This morning two of my friends and I packed up the car and drove two hours to Rainbow River for, what we thought, would be a lazy day spent floating down the river. After a hilarious road trip there, featuring lots of good music and iced coffee, we arrived at the river greeted with a closed gate that read “tube entrance closed for the season.” What?! It’s spring break how is that even possible.

Following a few moments of annoyance and frustration, we decided to drive ten minutes to the headsprings and eno. As bummed as I was that we couldn’t tube, I am always excited about lounging in my eno, especially when there is a pretty view. Of course, after we pay to enter, find the perfect spot to hang our enos, and beginning tying the straps, a park patrol officer comes and informs us that hanging things from trees is prohibited.  

Again another few moments of annoyance and frustration occurred. Like come on, we are just trying to enjoy spring break! We decided to eat the lunches with packed on a picnic table (rather than in our enos, sad face) and figure out what how we were going to make the most of this trip.

After being convinced (more like bribed) by my friend, we cannon balled from the dock into the freezing springs. I was hesitate to do so because 1.) the water is freezing, 2.) I didn’t want to get my hair wet, and 3.) I hate going underwater. Like the song says, sometimes you gotta keep your head up and you can let your hair down. That’s exactly what I did today. I let my hair done (literally and figuratively) and seized the day including all of its minor set backs. It ended up being such a fun day that I won’t forget for a long time.

I’m sure some of you are reading this and laughing. Yes, I know how my day was spent wouldn’t be considered spontaneous for most people but for me it was. I struggle when things don’t go exactly how I planned, but today I was reminded that sometimes living in the moment and making the best of your circumstances can be just as fun, if not more fun. Here’s to a spontaneous spring break that is (hopefully) filled with lots more memories, laughs, and suntans. 
For more of my adventures, follow me on Instagram @MonogrammedMadison

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