Tuesday, March 31, 2015

you do you

I always have heard the phrase, “life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself” and that overwhelmed me. I thought how or what do I create myself to be. As I continue to grow closer in my relationship with God, it has become evident to me that life is about discovering who God wants me to be, not who I want to be.

Recently, my devotional book (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young) had this quote, “enjoy the adventure of finding yourself through losing yourself in God.” The past few weeks that has stuck with me. 

First off, the quote says enjoy meaning take pleasure in and have fun. Lately, I have been enjoying doing exciting things and trying new things. I am by no means saying I am “going crazy” or losing focus on my priorities, but I have just been trying to love life and all that God has to offer me. I’ve been trying to break the mold of you should dress like this, say these things, listen to this type of music, and step out of my box. Since doing this, I think I have become less judgmental. The last few weeks I have been loving learning about new things and meeting new people. While keeping in line with God’s word, I have been living the “you do you way” meaning live your life the way you feel God is leading you to. Don’t let society's stereotypes decide what you wear or what you like to do or who you hang out with.

Secondly it says, finding yourself through losing yourself which reminds me of the verse 2 Corinthians 5:17. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here.” God cleans, purifies, and makes our broken hearts new. To me, finding yourself through losing yourself is the perfect illustration of that. We can try finding ourselves through social media, our friends, school, or hobbies but to truly find yourself we need God.

I remember hearing someone say that when you do what you know God wants you to do, you will be the happiest. I honestly do believe that. I encourage you to focus on God and discover who He wants you to be. This has been my goal each day for the past few weeks and I can honestly say God’s peace and joy has been an overwhelmingly presence. I hope “you can do you” and experience God in a similar way.

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