Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Thankful Ten

A month without blogging… shameful, I know. Most of the month of November was spent with my nose in a textbook and hours of studying at Starbucks. But today, I am taking a few minutes away from studying to share ten things I am thankful for. This time of year it is easy to focus on the material things and lose sight of just how blessed we all really are. I encourage you to write a list or blog sharing ten things you are thankful for and leave a link in the comments or on Instagram.

-Family. As I am growing up, I am realizing more and more just how amazing my parents are. I don’t thank them enough, so shout out to mom and dad!
-Friends. Yes, these answers are so cliché but I am blessed with so many incredible friends. They always make me laugh and inspire me to be a better person.
-Brunch. This sounds foolish but I am thankful for brunch because not only do I get sleep in and eat delicious food but also spend time with my friends. Some of the most meaningful (and memorable) conversations with my friends have taken place over brunch.

-Blogging. Since starting my blog in July, I have “meet” so many lovely people. Many of which I would consider some of my best friends. The sense of community in the blogger world is really cool and I love being a part of it.

-My needs being met. I am blessed to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my table. I often times forget how fortunate I am to have my needs met.

-Lazy days. I am thankful for days spent in pajamas and binge watching Netflix. Sometimes you just need a day off to be lazy.

-School. As much as I complain about school, I really am thankful for the opportunity I have to educate myself. There is so much to learn in this world and I have the chance to learn as much of it as I can which is awesome.

-My health. I am so blessed to be healthy. I think this is something I really take for granted. It’s so easy to forget that being able to walk, see, hear, and conquer each day with a healthy body is something that many people cannot do.

-Change. Some wouldn’t agree with me, but I am thankful that people (including me) can change. I always find it interesting when you are reconnected with someone who you haven’t seen in years and to see how much they have changed. I am constantly growing and learning new things which changes who I am and how I view things.

-God’s love. I am most thankful for the opportunity to know God and experience his love every day. The peace God gives me is unmatched by anything of this world. God is forgiving and merciful, even when I stray and disrespect him. I am thankful for God’s everlasting and never ending love.

I hope my “thankful ten” got you thinking about some things you are grateful for. Again, share your list with me in the comments below or on Instagram.
Now, that finals are almost done (one more left on Tuesday!), I am looking forward to blogging more often. I will be launching a new series tomorrow entitled “Share Your Story Sunday” which will feature many of my favorite bloggers and friends. They will be sharing their testimonies and how God has impacted their lives. Be sure to check it out tomorrow!

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