Sunday, January 4, 2015

First is the worst, second is the best

First is the worst, second is the best or at least that is how the rhyme goes. For me, second semester is always more difficult. It is hard to get back in the school routine, the weather is nicer, and everyone is anxiously awaiting summer break. Today I wanted to share a few tips to help you start off your second semester on the right foot.

{New School Supplies}
First semester gets all the new spirals, freshly sharpened pencils, and a new box of pens; doesn’t second semester deserve that too? Restocking and replacing school supplies before second semester helps me feel refreshed and prepared for the semester.
{Stay Organized}
During winter break, everything seems to feel a little chaotic. Managing new classes, new textbooks, and new teachers can be a hand full. Keeping an organized planner really helps in making the adjustment back to school. It’s silly to let your grades suffer because you forgot an assignment was due or you lost the homework.
{To Do Lists}
Lately, I have been making a daily checklist in the note section on my phone. I am amazed at how much more productive I have been. This semester I want to make making to do lists a habit. Whether you write your list in your planner, on a sticky note, or type it in your phone, to do lists provide a visual representation of what you need to accomplish which makes actually getting things done a lot easier. Plus, nothing compares to the satisfaction of crossing something off a to do list.

{Set Goals}
Having a goal, other than survive the semester, will give you the motivation to preserve, even when all you want to do is cry and watch hours of Netflix. Also, planning things to look forward to helps me get through the semester. Instead of aching over spring break (which is months away), plan fun things to do a few weeks in advanced to give yourself something to get excited about.

{Don’t Get Discouraged}
One bad test grade isn’t the end of the world. This semester try to look for new ways to improve but do not beat yourself up. When things aren’t going the way you had hoped this semester, take a minute to breathe and then establish a plan to get back on the road that will lead you to your goals.

As sad as I am to say goodbye to winter break, I am excited for all that second semester entails. What are you most looking forward to in second semester? Comment below or Instagram @MonogrammedMadison. I wish y’all the best of luck to everyone this semester!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm a senior too, and all of this is so true. I would love to talk with you sometime!
