Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Making Time for God

For months I have been thinking about doing a post sharing my tips for making time for God. Then while watching the Passion live streaming online event a few weeks ago, it hit me that we shouldn't have to make time- rather want to spend time with God.

The message I watched online from Passion 2015 was centered on fighting for focus in our relationship with Christ. The speaker, Francis Chan, said that our multitasking is keeping us from whole-hearted worship. I related with this statement because often times my time spent with God is interfered with a notification on my phone or me thinking about all the other things I need to get done.

 Francis Chan then referenced 1 Peter 4:7 which says, “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” Wow that verse is like a punch in the gut. I will be completely honest with you, I do not pray nearly as much as I should. As difficult as it is, we need to keep our minds decluttered and have a clear mind.

Lastly, he urged us of how important prayer is. The absence of prayer keeps us from fully knowing God. I know how difficult it is to continually pray. I notice that I pray the most when I’m struggling the most. I should be praying both during the trials and victories.

He finished the message by reminding us that there is a greater reality and that all we see is temporal- there is much more. I’ve heard this a million times (and do believe it), but sometimes let the shiny things of this world distract me.

In the upcoming days and weeks, I am going to fight for focus. Spending time with God is not just a chore or something I need to do, but a gift and something I want to do. The way I view prayer has changed. I hope that this change in perspective can help me grow closer to God.
I pray that we can all take the time to spend with God because it’s a privilege that we over look every day. Like how cool is it that we can have (and God wants us to) have a personal relationship with him?!

Again, this post was just my notes from the message I watched from Passion 2015 online. Here is a link to the message by Francis Chan I was watching (link). It’s about 45 minutes but really encouraging. If you watch it, let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check me out on Instagram @MonogrammedMadison.